Banana Pudding Cheesecake Squares | Easy Dessert Recipe


Banana pudding cheesecake squares are a delightful dessert that combines the traditional flavors of banana pudding with the richness of cheesecake. These squares are the perfect treat for any occasion, from a casual family gathering to a formal dinner party.

The recipe for banana pudding cheesecake squares is simple and easy to follow, making it accessible to even novice bakers. The base of the dessert is a graham cracker crust that is topped with a creamy mixture of cream cheese, sugar, and mashed bananas. This is then layered with vanilla pudding and whipped cream, creating a deliciously sweet and tangy flavor that is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

What sets banana pudding cheesecake squares apart from other desserts is the unique combination of textures and flavors. The creamy cheesecake layer is perfectly complemented by the light and fluffy pudding and whipped cream layers, while the graham cracker crust adds a satisfying crunch. Whether served as a standalone dessert or as part of a larger menu, banana pudding cheesecake squares are sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

History of Banana Pudding Cheesecake Squares

Banana pudding cheesecake squares are a delicious dessert that combines the classic flavors of banana pudding and cheesecake. The history of this dessert can be traced back to the 19th century when banana pudding was first introduced in the southern United States.

Banana pudding became a popular dessert during the 1920s and 1930s, and it was often served at family gatherings and church events. Over time, different variations of banana pudding were created, including banana pudding cheesecake squares.

The exact origins of banana pudding cheesecake squares are unclear, but it is believed that they were first created in the United States during the mid-20th century. The dessert gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s and has remained a favorite ever since.

Today, banana pudding cheesecake squares can be found in many bakeries and restaurants across the United States. They are also a popular dessert to make at home, and there are many different recipes available online.

Overall, banana pudding cheesecake squares are a delicious and unique dessert that combines two classic flavors. With their rich history and popularity, it’s no wonder that they continue to be a favorite among dessert lovers everywhere.

Essential Ingredients


Bananas are the star ingredient in this banana pudding cheesecake squares recipe. They add a natural sweetness and a creamy texture to the dessert. It is important to use ripe bananas for this recipe as they will be easier to mash and will provide a stronger banana flavor.

Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is a key ingredient in the cheesecake layer of this recipe. It provides a smooth and creamy texture and a tangy flavor that balances out the sweetness of the bananas and pudding. It is important to use room temperature cream cheese for this recipe to ensure it mixes well with the other ingredients.

Vanilla Wafers

Vanilla wafers are used in the crust of this recipe and provide a crunchy texture and a sweet vanilla flavor. It is important to use a food processor to crush the vanilla wafers into fine crumbs for the crust.

Custard and Pudding Mix

Custard and pudding mix are used to create the pudding layer in this recipe. They provide a smooth and creamy texture and a sweet vanilla flavor. It is important to follow the instructions on the package and use the correct amount of milk to create the perfect consistency for the pudding layer.

Overall, these essential ingredients work together to create a delicious and creamy dessert that is perfect for any occasion.

Equipment Needed

To make these delicious banana pudding cheesecake squares, you will need a few essential pieces of equipment. Here is a list of what you will need:

  • 9×13 inch baking dish
  • Mixing bowls (at least 2)
  • Electric mixer or stand mixer
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Spatula
  • Whisk
  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Aluminum foil or parchment paper
  • Refrigerator

Make sure that all of your equipment is clean and dry before you begin. It is also a good idea to have all of your ingredients measured out and ready to go before you start making the cheesecake filling.

The 9×13 inch baking dish is the perfect size for making these banana pudding cheesecake squares. It is important to line the dish with aluminum foil or parchment paper to prevent the cheesecake from sticking to the bottom of the dish.

An electric mixer or stand mixer will make it easier to mix the cream cheese and sugar together until they are smooth and creamy. A whisk will come in handy when you are mixing the pudding and milk together.

A sharp knife and cutting board will be needed to slice the bananas and crush the vanilla wafers. Make sure that the bananas are ripe but not too soft, and that the vanilla wafers are finely crushed.

Finally, you will need a refrigerator to chill the cheesecake squares before serving. It is best to let them chill for at least 2 hours, but overnight is even better.

Preparation Guide

Crust Preparation

To make the crust for the banana pudding cheesecake squares, one needs to combine graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and sugar. The mixture should be pressed into the bottom of a baking dish and baked at 350°F for 10 minutes.

Filling Mixture

The filling mixture for the banana pudding cheesecake squares is a combination of cream cheese, sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, and mashed bananas. The ingredients should be mixed together until smooth and creamy.

Layering Technique

The layering technique for the banana pudding cheesecake squares is simple. After the crust has been baked, the filling mixture should be poured on top of the crust. Then, a layer of vanilla wafers should be placed on top of the filling mixture. Finally, a layer of whipped cream should be spread on top of the vanilla wafers.

Baking Process

The banana pudding cheesecake squares should be baked at 350°F for 35-40 minutes or until the cheesecake is set. Once baked, the squares should be chilled in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.

By following these simple steps, one can easily prepare delicious banana pudding cheesecake squares that are sure to impress.

Serving Suggestions

When it comes to serving banana pudding cheesecake squares, there are several options to consider. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Serve Chilled

Banana pudding cheesecake squares are best served chilled. After removing them from the oven, allow them to cool to room temperature before placing them in the refrigerator for at least an hour. This will give the cheesecake time to set and the flavors to meld together.

2. Add Toppings

For an extra touch of flavor and texture, consider adding toppings to your banana pudding cheesecake squares. Crushed graham crackers, whipped cream, and sliced bananas are all excellent options.

3. Pair with Coffee or Tea

Banana pudding cheesecake squares make for a delicious dessert, but they can also be enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea. The creamy cheesecake pairs well with the bitterness of coffee or the warmth of tea.

4. Portion Control

Banana pudding cheesecake squares are rich and indulgent, so it’s important to practice portion control. Cut them into small squares or triangles to avoid overindulging.

Overall, serving banana pudding cheesecake squares is easy and customizable. With a few simple additions and considerations, these squares can be transformed into a dessert that is sure to impress.

Storage and Preservation

To ensure the longevity of the banana pudding cheesecake squares, proper storage and preservation techniques must be followed. Here are some tips to keep the dessert fresh and delicious for longer:

  • Refrigeration: Banana pudding cheesecake squares should be refrigerated immediately after they are prepared. Cover the dish with plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent air from entering and drying out the dessert. This will also prevent the cheesecake from absorbing any odors from other foods in the fridge.
  • Freezing: Banana pudding cheesecake squares can be frozen for up to three months. Wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place them in an airtight container. Before serving, allow the dessert to thaw in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Avoid Moisture: Moisture can cause the dessert to become soggy and unappetizing. To prevent this, place a layer of parchment paper between the cheesecake and the container. This will absorb any excess moisture and keep the dessert fresh.
  • Avoid Heat: Heat can cause the cheesecake to melt and lose its shape. Avoid exposing the dessert to direct sunlight or any other source of heat. Keep it in a cool, dry place to maintain its texture and flavor.

By following these simple storage and preservation techniques, banana pudding cheesecake squares can be enjoyed for longer periods of time without losing their delicious taste and texture.

Nutritional Information

When it comes to indulgent desserts like banana pudding cheesecake squares, it’s important to be aware of the nutritional information to make informed choices about your diet. Here’s a breakdown of the key nutritional facts you should know about this dessert.


One serving of banana pudding cheesecake squares contains approximately 350-400 calories. While this is a relatively high calorie count, it’s important to remember that this dessert is meant to be enjoyed in moderation as a special treat.


Banana pudding cheesecake squares are high in fat, with one serving containing around 20-25 grams of fat. This is due to the cream cheese, butter, and heavy cream used in the recipe. However, it’s worth noting that not all types of fat are created equal. The fat in this dessert comes from sources like dairy, which can provide important nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.


Due to the graham cracker crust and banana pudding filling, banana pudding cheesecake squares are relatively high in carbohydrates. One serving contains around 30-35 grams of carbohydrates. However, some of these carbs come from sources like bananas, which provide important nutrients like potassium and fiber.


While not a significant source of protein, banana pudding cheesecake squares do contain some protein thanks to the cream cheese and eggs used in the recipe. One serving contains around 5-6 grams of protein.

Overall, banana pudding cheesecake squares are a high calorie, high fat dessert that should be enjoyed in moderation as a special treat. However, they do contain some important nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, potassium, and fiber.

Common Variations

Gluten-Free Alternatives

For those who are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease, there are several options to make banana pudding cheesecake squares gluten-free. One alternative is to use gluten-free graham crackers or gluten-free vanilla wafers for the crust. Another option is to use a gluten-free flour blend for the cheesecake filling. Additionally, cornstarch can be used in place of flour to thicken the pudding layer. It is important to check all ingredients for gluten before using them.

Vegan Versions

To make banana pudding cheesecake squares vegan, there are a few substitutions that can be made. Instead of cream cheese, vegan cream cheese can be used. For the pudding layer, coconut milk or almond milk can be used in place of dairy milk. Vegan butter or coconut oil can be used in place of butter for the crust. To make the dessert sweeter, maple syrup or agave nectar can be used instead of honey. It is important to check all ingredients for animal products before using them.

By making these simple substitutions, anyone can enjoy delicious banana pudding cheesecake squares, regardless of dietary restrictions.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re experiencing any issues while making banana pudding cheesecake squares, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you out:

  • Problem: The cheesecake layer is cracked.
    • Solution: Make sure that the cheesecake layer is fully cooked before removing it from the oven. You can also try reducing the oven temperature and cooking the cheesecake for a longer time. Additionally, avoid overmixing the cheesecake batter and make sure that all ingredients are at room temperature before mixing.
  • Problem: The crust is too hard.
    • Solution: Try reducing the baking time for the crust or adding a bit more butter to the mixture to make it more moist. You can also try using a different type of cookie or cracker for the crust.
  • Problem: The pudding layer is too runny.
    • Solution: Make sure that you’re using instant pudding mix and not the cook-and-serve variety. Also, make sure that you’re using the correct amount of milk and that you’re mixing the pudding for the recommended time. If the pudding is still too runny, try adding a bit more pudding mix and mixing again.
  • Problem: The banana slices are turning brown.
    • Solution: Try dipping the banana slices in lemon juice or another acidic liquid before adding them to the pudding layer. You can also add the banana slices just before serving to prevent them from browning.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you can ensure that your banana pudding cheesecake squares turn out perfectly every time.

Pairing with Beverages

Banana pudding cheesecake squares are a delightful dessert that can be paired with a variety of beverages. The creamy, rich flavor of the cheesecake pairs well with a range of drinks, from coffee to wine. Here are some suggestions for beverages to accompany your banana pudding cheesecake squares.


Coffee is a classic pairing with desserts, and banana pudding cheesecake squares are no exception. The rich, bold flavor of coffee complements the creamy, sweet cheesecake perfectly. A cup of hot coffee is a great way to end a meal, and it will enhance the flavors of the dessert.


Milk is a simple and classic pairing with desserts. It provides a refreshing contrast to the rich, creamy flavor of the cheesecake. A glass of cold milk is a great choice for those who prefer a non-alcoholic beverage.


For those who prefer a more sophisticated pairing, wine is an excellent choice. A sweet dessert wine, such as a Moscato or Riesling, pairs well with the sweet, creamy flavors of the cheesecake. A red wine, such as a Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon, can also complement the dessert nicely.


Tea is a great choice for those who prefer a lighter beverage. A black tea, such as Earl Grey or English Breakfast, pairs well with the rich, creamy flavors of the cheesecake. A green tea, such as Jasmine or Sencha, can also provide a refreshing contrast to the dessert.

In conclusion, banana pudding cheesecake squares are a versatile dessert that can be paired with a range of beverages. Whether you prefer coffee, milk, wine, or tea, there is a perfect pairing for your cheesecake.

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